Sunday, October 01, 2006

Catching up with....Aaron E.

For those who don't know, Aaron is a graduate of "our dear O Christian college" and now attends Pepperdine Law School. He is well versed in west Texas high school football (Permian Alumni), Red Sox baseball, and of course Texas Longhorn football. I have had the pleasure of attended two Horns' games with AE, the greatest comeback in Texas history 2004-Oklahoma State and last years Big XII Championship. Aaron, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

First off just give us an update on whats going on in your life, do you have a life outside of law school?
I do in fact have a life outside of law school and my wonderful girlfriend Courtney (not Courtney Bryan for clarity sake) has a lot to do with that. You have to be very intentional about having a life outside of law school though because you can certainly get in the same routine of studying every day and you can essentially never leave campus if you don't make yourself set out some time to enjoy yourself and stop thinking about school. I try to make Sundays a work free day and I like to have stuff done by 6-8 every night and I do something every Friday and/or Saturday night.

What is it like to follow Texas football from another state? Do you have to make more of an effort to get information about the team, since it isn't being talked about all around you? Following Texas football from another state is miserable. For one thing, FSN does not carry UT games and then other times we get pre-empted on major carriers for "regional action." Last week we got OSU and PSU rather than UT Iowa State. Then of course the only time people talk about Texas football is if they are bad mouthing it. So there is no real analysis or discussion of what is going on and what we would like to see. I have even found that I miss being up to speed on Texas High School football. It is weird to not have easy access to what the ol alama maters (ACU and Permian are doing) or what Abilene High is doing or who is expected to win state.

What are your thoughts on the season so far? Texas and Nationally?
I feel like there is a lot of parity. The once consistent thing has been that Clemson was again overhyped and again fell early. I feel like Ohio State played much better against UT than they have anyone else this year and in fact would have lost to UT if they had played like they did against Penn State. I feel like Notre Dame received a little too much preseason hype since they still have no resemblance of a defense but I do hope they get hot and roll in the coliseum playing some good football so they can beat USC. I again feel the SEC is undoubtedly the toughest conference from top to bottom and I surprised at how Auburn continues to reload and be the real deal. They are my pick for the SEC. I think Texas will run the table the rest of the way but A&M may be tougher than OU. Unfortunately we are left in the situation of winning out and having our fate in the hands of others and hoping that they lose their games to let us back in the chase.

Give us a feeling of what college football fans are like in Pac 10 country?
Pac 10 fans are at least loyal. I will give them that much. However, I feel like they are not very well versed on what is going on across the country. Part of that is not their fault though because they only get regional coverage and there is not a lot of overlap for coverage of areas outside the Pac-10. Plus the timezones make it much more difficult to wake up and watch Game Day (7am here) and stay up to speed on the game country wide in general. Now that I am done with the concessions and free passes I will also so they are annoyingly ignorant. I have taken a lot of heat for being a Texas fan and I would hope that no one in law school in Texas would talk trash to a USC fan had they beaten us in the national championship last year. Pac10 fans hold strongly to the completely baseless belief they are so underrated and really are a good football conference.

Do you plan on going to any games this year?
I wanted to go to USC Notre Dame but since it is Thanksgiving weekend I don't think that will pan out. Plus it will be expensive. I may try to squeeze in USC UCLA or just a USC game in general to experience it.

Finally, I saw you as a extra in the last episode of Laguna Beach, are you actively pursuing a role on the show?
Yes. Funny you should ask because they are actually pursuing me and I am agreeing. Look for me to take a much more active role in the immediate future. AE over and out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear from Aaron of Odessa.Hope things are going well in So Cal.To bad about the Sox this year Aaron.There's always next year as us Ranger fans always say. Looking forward to Texas vs. OU. Peace Out

7:38 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Yeah too bad about the Sox, a lot of injuries and other drama. Check out my blog at to read about their wonderful knee jerk reaction today.

1:05 AM  

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