Friday, January 26, 2007

Random Five: TV Shows

1. The Office - Simply the best show on TV

2. Friday Night Lights - If you didn't watch this show because you know it couldn't live up to the name, give it a chance. The drama is compelling, its more about small town life than football. Buddy Garrity is one of the best characters on TV.

3. How I Met Your Mother - Hard to describe, but pretty funny.

4. Law & Order:SVU - Courtney's favorite show, lots of re-runs, most of the time you can pick it up in the middle of the show and still watch

5. Seasonal - American Idol, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, The Hills, Laguna Beach, One Tree Hill, Two-A-Days, HGTV, The History Channel, and of course sports.


Blogger Aaron said...

Nice work incorporating the hyperlinks into the article. I was disappointed with the rerun this Thursday but I am looking forward to the new office this coming week.

4:57 PM  

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